Morris, Gay. "A stylized Whitney exhibit." San Francisco Examiner, January 22, 1988, p. F-2.
Kay, Alfred. "Drawing conclusions: When artists pick up pencil and paper, their real talents - and true weaknesses - are exposed for all to see." Sacramento Bee, January 24, 1988, section Encore, p. 18.
Feaver, William. "Monsters in Jeans." Observer (London), May 8, 1988, p. 40.
Graham-Dixon, Andrew. "Bullies for You." Independent (London), May 10, 1988, p.16.
Raynor, Vivien. "Three Artists Who Abandoned Abstraction for the Figure." The New York Times, July 17, 1988, section Art, p. 28WC.
Mayer, Musa. "My Father, Philip Guston." The New York Times Magazine, August 7, 1988, pp. 24–25, 55, 58.
Smith, Roberta. "Retrospective Covers Guston's Two Careers." The New York Times, September 9, 1988, pp. C1, C22.
Taylor, Robert. "The Redemptive Power of Art." Boston Globe, September 14, 1988, section Book Review, p. 34.
Wallach, Amei. "Guston: Beyond the Abstract." Newsday, September 18, 1988.
Kramer, Hilton. "Guston at MoMA: What Was 'In' Drove This Artist Compulsively." New York Observer, September 19, 1988.
Wolff, Theodore F. "Philip Guston's Wide-Ranging 50-Year Career in Art. Major Exhibition Traces Significant Shifts in Interest." Christian Science Monitor, September 26, 1988, p. 20.
Raven, Arlene. "Seeing and Believing." Village Voice, September 27, 1988.
Baker, Kenneth. "A Giant Emerges." San Francisco Chronicle, October 2, 1988, pp. 1, 16, 17.
Kilian, Michael. "Guston's Mute Figures Speak to Us." Chicago Tribune, October 6, 1988, section 5, p. 10.
Flam, Jack. "The Gallery: Philip Guston." Wall Street Journal, October 5, 1988.
Sozanski, Edward J. "2 Exhibits Show Provocative Side of Philip Guston." Philadelphia Inquirer, October 19, 1988, p. 5-E.
Perkins, Michael. "Deconstructing Dad: Philip Guston's Daughter Reconciles the Man with the Myth." Woodstock Times, December 1, 1988, section Times 2, pp. 1, 6.
Perkins, Michael. "Departed Daemons: Musa Mayer Revists the Night Studio." Woodstock Times, December 1, 1988, section Times 2, pp. 1, 7.
Johnston, Jill. "Living on Borrowed Importance." The New York Times Book Review, December 18, 1988.