Wilson, William. "Guston: End of an Abstract Era." Age (Melbourne), June 20, 1980, p. 10.
Wilson, William. "Guston Exhibition Shows Late Shift From Abstract to Figurative Painting." Peninsula Herald (Monterey, CA), June 22, 1980.
Rickey, Carrie. "Philip Guston 1913–1980: Dreaming with His Eyes Open." Village Voice, June 23, 1980, p. 73.
Boettger, Suzaan. "Art for Modern Times." Daily Californian (Berkeley), June 26, 1980, pp. 8, 11.
Wilson, William. "Show Commemorates Guston's Contribution." Miami Herald, June 26, 1980.
Taylor, Robert. "A Triumphant Vision of Art's Complexities." Boston Sunday Globe, June 29, 1980, p. C2.
Sacramento Bee. "Changing Art of Guston." June 30, 1980, pp. B3 and B4.
Wilson, William. "An Abstract Artist Who Went Figurative." Newsday, July 6, 1980.
Lewis, Jo Ann. "Philip Guston Framed." Washington Post, July 18, 1980.
Forgey, Benjamin. "Getting to Know Guston." Washington Star, July 20, 1980, section Arts & Books, pp. E-1, E-2.
Rapp, Rodger. "Peeling the mandarin's orange: 'For me,' said Dore Ashton, 'Philip Guston is Woodstock.'" Woodstock Times, August 21, 1980, p. 16.
Pittsburgh Press. "Philip Guston Painting Joins Museum Collection," October 15, 1980. p. C-8.
Wolff, Theodore F. "The 'Here I Am' Artist." Christian Science Monitor, November 3, 1980, section Arts, p. 18.
R. R. "Recollection, contemplation and a touch of class." Woodstock Times, November 6, 1980, p. 13.
Lyon, Christopher. "Reflections on a Mirror." Chicago Reader, November 28, 1980, section 1, pp. 47–48.
Elliot, David. "Philip Guston: A Nagging Honesty." Sunday Sun-Times (Chicago), November 30, 1980.
Artner, Alan G. "At MCA, Philip Guston is Getting the Last Laugh." Chicago Tribune, November 30, 1980, section Arts & Books.
Artner, Alan. "Chicago's Art Scene: A Picture of Promise." Chicago Tribune, December 28, 1980.