
Stevens, Mark. "Cartoon Character: Philip Guston Went from Refined to Raw, Making the High-Low Struggles of Twentieth-Century Painting His Punch Line." New York Magazine, November 10, 2003.
Rosenberg, Karen, ed. "Art, the Week, Solo Galleries, 57th Street Area & Museum." New York, November 10, 2003.
Anfam, David. "Eye to Eye with Philip Guston." RA Magazine, Winter 2003, pp. 34–38.
Lee, Pamela M. "Best of 2003, #2, Philip Guston." Artforum, December 2003.
Hainley, Bruce. "Best of 2003, #1, Philip Guston." Artforum, December 2003.
Greenberg, Sarah. "First Person: Sarah Greenberg Talks to Award-Winning Cartoonist Art Spiegelman about the Gutsiness of Guston." RA Magazine, Winter 2003, p. 39.
The New Yorker. "Goings on about Town: Art: Museums and Libraries." December 1, 2003, p. 22.
RA Magazine. "Exhibition Diary." Winter 2003, p. 11.
The New Yorker. "Goings on about Town: Art: Galleries-Uptown." December 1, 2003, p. 22.
Kuspit, Donald. "Philip Guston's Self-Doubt." artnet Magazine, December 4, 2003.
Rosenberg, Karen, ed. "Art, the Week, Solo Galleries, 57th Street Area." New York, December 8, 2003.
Siegel, Lee. "The Artful Dodger: Philip Guston was Misunderstood—But Why?" Slate Magazine, December 9, 2003. 
Danto, Arthur C. "The Abstract Impressionist." Nation, December 11, 2003. Online.
New York. "Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, December 22–29, 2003." December 22–29, 2003.
Krauss, Nicole. "The First Painter after the Last." Modern Painters, Winter 2003.
Roth, Philip. "Pictures of Guston." Modern Painters, Fall 2003, pp. 68–71.
Burgess, Andy. "'Tired of all that Purity': The Art of Philip Guston." Jewish Quarterly, Winter 2003/4.
Wilson, Richard. String Quartets 3&4/Canzona. Chicago String Quartet. With Gail Williams. Albany Records Troy573, 2003, Compact disc.
Corbett, William. "Philip Guston Retrospective." Art Book, January 2004.
Lambirth, Andrew. "Apocalyptic Vision." Spectator (London), January 24, 2004, p. 36.
Philip Guston: Modernism and Revolutionary Politics in the 1930s and 1940s. Brochure. Royal Academy of Arts, 2004. 
Perl, Jed. "Beyond Belief." New Republic, February 16, 2004. Online.
Rubinstein, Raphael. "Philip Guston: Some Thoughts." Art in America, March 2004.
Furness, Rosalind. "London: Royal Academy, Timothy Taylor Gallery, Philip Guston." Contemporary, March 2004.