Ashton, Dore. "Changed Academy: Our Institution in Rome Faces the Present." The New York Times, June 5, 1955.
Art Quarterly XVIII. [Article title unknown]. Autumn 1955.
Wright, S. Macdonald. "Art News from Los Angeles." ARTnews, October 1955, p. 59.
D. A. "About Art and Artists: Show at the Poindexter Gallery Offers an Index to Contemporary Trends." The New York Times, December 21, 1955.
50 ans d'art aux Etats-Unis, Collections du Museum of Modern Art de New York. Exh. cat. Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, 1955.
Dellinger, Martha. "Abstract Painting." Preview (University of Arkansas), Spring 1955, pp. 33-39.
Art of the Americas in celebration of Pan American Week. Exh. cat. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union, 1955.
The 1955 Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting. Exh. cat. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute, 1955.
1955 Annual Exhibition Paintings Sculpture Watercolors Drawings. Exh. cat. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1955.
Italy Rediscovered. Exh. cat. Utica: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1955.
ARTnews Annual. "Poets and Pictures." 1955, pp. 79-96.
El arte moderno en los Estados Unidos. Exh. cat. Barcelona: Palacio de la Virreina y Museo de Arte Moderno, 1955.
The 24th Biennial Exhibition 1955. Exh. cat. Washington DC: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1955.
Cross, Miriam Dungan. "Local Artists Represented in 'Young America' Show in S.F." Oakland Tribune, January 8, 1956. p. 2-B.
Newton, Eric. "As the British View Our Art." The New York Times, January 15, 1956, section Art, p. 14X.
B[utler], B[arbara]. "In the Galleries." Arts, February 1956, p. 53.
C[hamberlain], B[etty]. "Reviews and Previews: Philip Guston." ARTnews, February 1956, p. 47.
Devree, Howard. "Of Image and Vision: Two New Shows Reveal Diverse Solutions." The New York Times, February 12, 1956, section 2, p. 15.
Burrows, Carlyle. "Return Shows by Long-Absent Artists." Herald Tribune, February 12, 1956, section Book Review, p. 12.
Karp, Ivan C. "Philip Guston." Village Voice, February 15, 1956, p. 7.
Gazette (Montreal). "New Shows Reveal Diverse Solutions." February 18, 1956.
Time. "Art: The Wild Ones." February 20, 1956, pp. 70–75.
Ashton, Dore. "Art: The Age of Lyricism" Arts & Architecture, March 1956, pp. 14–15, 43–44.
Finkelstein, Louis. "New Look: Abstract-Impressionism." ARTnews, March 1956, pp. 36–39, 66–68.