Catalogue Raisonné
Oil on canvas
35¼ x 21¾ in.
89.5 x 55.2 cm
Signed and dated front lower left: PHILIP GUSTON/ 1941
- Provenance
- Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, Hagerstown, Maryland
- Auction: 117 Oil and Water Color Originals by Leading American Artists, June 19, 1948
- U.S. State Department
- Exhibitions
- Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA, "The Third Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Paintings", March 04, 1942 - April 14, 1942
- Midtown Gallery, New York, NY, "11th Anniversary", March 08, 1943 - April 03, 1943
- Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, "Painting in the United States", October 14, 1943 - December 12, 1943
- Iowa Memorial Union, Iowa City, IA, "Paintings and Drawings by Philip Guston", March 05, 1944 - March 19, 1944
- Midtown Gallery, New York, NY, "Philip Guston", January 15, 1945 - February 10, 1945
- U.S. State Department, , "Advancing American Art", 1946 - 1947
- Institute of Modern Art, Boston, MA, "Twelve Americans", March 08, 1946 - April 07, 1946
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, "Advancing American Art", October 04, 1946 - October 18, 1946
- Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris, France, "UNESCO Exposition Internationale d'Art Moderne", November 18, 1946 - December 28, 1946
- Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, "War Assets Administration sale", May 21, 1948 - June 18, 1948
- University Gallery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, "Philip Guston", April 10, 1950 - May 12, 1950
- University Gallery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, "40 American Painters, 1940-1950", June 04, 1951 - August 30, 1951
- Columbia Museum of Art, Columbia, SC, "Ascendency of American Painting", April 03, 1963 - June 02, 1963
- Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, AL, "Advancing American Art: Politics and Aesthetics in the State Department Exhibition, 1946-48", January 07, 1984 - March 04, 1984 Travelled to:
- Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, Hagerstown, MD, "One Hundred Stories: Highlights from the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts", October 04, 2008 - January 04, 2009
- Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art, Auburn, AL, "Art Interrupted: Advancing American Art and the Politics of Cultural Diplomacy", September 08, 2012 - January 05, 2013 Travelled to:
- Bibliography
- Iowa City Press-Citizen. "First Exhibit on Display Here." January 15, 1942, p. 13, b&w photo of Guston posing in front of "Shanah"
- ARTnews. "Richmond Prizes Quality, Not Publicity." March 15, 1942, p. 14, illus. in b&w p. 14
Art Digest. "American Painting Seen Strong and Vital in Virginia Biennial." March 15, 1942, pp. 5-6, 21.
, mentioned in text p. 6, not illus. - Art Digest. "Their Reasons." March 15, 1942, p. 7, illus. in b&w and mentioned in text
- Iowa City Press-Citizen. "Painting By Philip Guston Ranks High." March 23, 1942, p. 2, mentioned in text as "Shanah," not illus.
- Omaha World-Herald. "Gains Fame for Murals: Building at Capital Gets Work by Iowan." May 16, [1942?], mentioned in text, not illus.
- Daily Iowan. "'Martial Memory,' an Outstanding Painting by Philip Guston Will Be Shown at Union." September 22, 1942, p. 6, mentioned in text, not illus.
- [Publication unknown]. "Philip Guston Paints--Winning Picture--In Richmond Exhibition." 1942. Print, illus. in b&w and mentioned in text
- The Third Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Paintings. Exh. cat. Richmond: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1942, cat. no. 85, illus. in b&w p. 18, Recommended for Purchase Consideration, shown as "Shanah"
- Jewell, Edward Alden. "30 Artists' Works in Special Show: Midtown Gallery Marks Its 11th Anniversary with a Group Exhibition." The New York Times, March 9, 1943, mentioned in article, not illus.
- Art Digest. "Midtown Group Marks 11th Anniversary." March 15, 1943, p. 7, mentioned in text, not illus.
- Painting in the United States. Exh. cat. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute, 1943, cat. no. 162, illus. in b&w plate 65
- Austin American. "2nd in Series of Exhibitions Opens Tuesday: Thon, Guston and Shulkin Work to Be Presented." July 30, 1944, mentioned in text, not illus.
- Paintings and Drawings by Philip Guston. Exh. cat. Iowa City: State University of Iowa, 1944, cat. no. 14, not illus.
- Philip Guston. Exh. cat. New York: Midtown Galleries, 1945, cat. no. 9, not illus.
- ARTnews. [Article title unknown]. October 1946, illus. p. 20
- UNESCO: Peinture, Art Graphique et Decoratif, Architecture. Exh. cat. Paris: Musée National d'Art Moderne, 1946, cat. no. 36 of the United States section, not illus., listed as "Portrait de Shannah"
- Twelve Americans. Exh. cat. Boston: The Institute of Modern Art, 1946, not listed in catalog (note penciled into catalog in Philip's handwriting)
- Věstni’k (West, TX). "Profesor iowskÉ university vystavuje v ČSR." April 23, 1947, p. 13, mentioned in text, not illus.
- Weisgall, Hugo. Advancing American Art. Exh. cat. Prague: United States Information Service, 1947, illus. in b&w, unpaginated
- Coronet. [Article title unknown]. June 1948, illus. p. 73
- '48 Magazine. [Article title unknown]. June 1948, illus. in color p. 73
- Catalog of 117 Oil and Water Color Originals by Leading American Artists Offered for Sale at Sealed Bid by War Assets Administration. Exh. cat. Sales Announcement No. WAX-5025. [New York]: United States Information Service, 1948, cat. no. 33, not illus.
- Philip Guston. Exh. cat. Minneapolis: University Gallery, University of Minnesota, 1950, cat. no. 3, illus. in b&w no page #, Loaned by Washington County Museum of Fine Arts
- 40 American Painters, 1940–1950. Exh. cat. Minneapolis: The University Gallery, University of Minnesota, 1951, cat. no. 29, illus. in b&w, Loaned by Washington County Museum of Fine Arts
- Ascendency of American Painting. Exh. cat. Columbia (SC): Columbia Museum of Art, 1963, cat. no. 32
- Shapiro, Michael Edward. "Philip Guston: The War Years." Print Collector's Newsletter, September–October 1994, mentioned in text p. 128, not illus.
- Johns, Elizabeth. "Highlights from the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts." American Art Review, October 2008, illus. in color p. 100
- One Hundred Stories: Highlights from the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts. Exh. cat. Hagerstown: Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, 2008, illus. pp. 124-125
- Shoemaker, Innis Howe. Adventures in Modern Art: The Charles K. Williams II Collection. Exh. cat. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2009, mentioned in footnote 5 p. 169, not illus.
- Art Interrupted: Advancing American Art and the Politics of Cultural Diplomacy. Exh. cat. Essays by Scott Bishop, Robert Ekelund, Danielle Mohr Funderburk, Dennis Harper, J. Andrew Henley, Jessica Hughes, Marilyn Laufer, Paul Manoguerra, Daniel Scott Neil, Heather Read, Sunny Stalter Pace, and Mark Andrew White. Athens: Georgia Museum of Art, 2012, cat. no. 45, illus. in color p. 143, described p. 142
- Storr, Robert. Philip Guston: A Life Spent Painting. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2020, illus. in b&w p. 288 as part of an installation photo