Catalogue Raisonné


Courtroom, 1970
Oil on canvas
67 x 129 in.
170.2 x 327.7 cm
Signed front lower right: Philip Guston
Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection
Auction: Sotheby's New York, November 13, 1991, Lot 48
Saatchi Collection, London
Marlborough Gallery, New York, NY, "Philip Guston Recent Paintings", October 17, 1970 - November 07, 1970 
Boston University Art Gallery, Boston, MA, "New Paintings, Philip Guston", November 14, 1970 - December 13, 1970 
La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla, CA, "Philip Guston: Recent Work", July 31, 1971 - October 03, 1971 
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, "Philip Guston: The Late Works", August 17, 1984 - September 16, 1984  Travelled to:
Saatchi Gallery, London, England, "Leon Golub, Sigmar Polke, Philip Guston, Joel Shapiro: the Saatchi Collection", April 29, 1988 - September 01, 1988
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain, "Philip Guston: Retrospectiva de Pintura", March 01, 1989 - May 08, 1989  Travelled to:
McKee Gallery, New York, NY, "Philip Guston: Major Paintings from the Seventies", October 05, 1996 - November 09, 1996 
Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX, "Philip Guston Retrospective", March 30, 2003 - June 08, 2003  Travelled to:
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., "The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection: Selected Works", October 01, 2009 - May 02, 2010
M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, CA, "Modernism from the National Gallery of Art: The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection", June 07, 2014 - October 12, 2014
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., "Philip Guston Now", March 02, 2023 - August 27, 2023 
Rosenberg, Harold. "Liberation from Detachment." The New Yorker, November 7, 1970, pp. 136–41, mentioned in text p. 139, not illus.
Preston, Malcolm. "Art: Guston Exhibit at BU Gallery." Boston Herald Traveler, December 1970, mentioned in text, not illus.
Phillips, Michael. "Phillip Guston's New Paintings." Boston Review of the Arts, December 15, 1970, mentioned in text, not illus.
Philip Guston. Exh. cat. New York: Marlborough Gallery, 1970, cat. no. 18, illus. in b&w p. 22
Grillo, Jean Bergantini. "Guston: A Maverick at Sixty." Boston Phoenix, November 23, 1970, pp. 20–21, illus.
Philip Guston: Recent Work. Exh. brochure. La Jolla: La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, 1971, cat. no. 18, not illus.
Rosenberg, Harold. The De-Definition of Art: Action Art to Pop to Earthworks. New York: Horizon Press, 1972, mentioned in text p. 138, not illus.
Wilmerding, John, ed. The Genius of American Painting. New York: William Morrow, 1973, illus. in b&w p. 330
Smith, Roberta. "The New Gustons." Art in America, January–February 1978, pp. 100–5, mentioned in text p. 103, not illus.
Nicholas Serota, ed. Philip Guston: Paintings 1969–1980. Exh. cat. London: Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1982, illus. in b&w p. 53 (not in exhibition)
Moyse, Carol. "Junk That Shocked the Art World." Herald, August 23, 1984, illus. p. 28
Cramer, Sue. "Guston's Heroic Calm in the Face of the Last Gasp of Modernism." Age (Melbourne), September 5, 1984, mentioned in text, not illus.
Philip Guston: The Late Works. Exh. cat. Melbourne: The National Gallery of Victoria, 1984, cat. no. 15, illus. in color p. 30 and mentioned in text p. 19.
Kent, Sarah. "Saatchi's Showcase." Time Out, May 1988, mentioned in text p. 22, not illus.
Gallego, Julian. "El gusto de Guston." ABC (Madrid), March 2, 1989, mentioned in text, not illus.
Philip Guston: Retrospectiva de Pintura. Exh. cat. Essays by Mark Rosenthal, Robert Storr, Carrie Rickey, Francisco Calvo Serraller, and Dore Ashton. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, Dirección General de Bellas Artes y Archivos, Centro Nacional de Exposiciones, 1989, cat. no. 39, illus. in color pp. 100-101
Lucie-Smith, Edward. Movements in Art Since 1945: Issues and Concepts. London: Thames & Hudson, 1995, detail illus. in color on front cover
Morris, Daniel. "Necessary Wounds: Public History and Private Myth in Philip Guston's Late Work." Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal 79, no. 1/2 (1996): pp. 95–109, illus. in b&w p. 104 and mentioned in text pp. 103, 105 and 107
Kimmelman, Michael. "Philip Guston: Paintings from the 70s." The New York Times, October 11, 1996, p. C32, mentioned in text, not illus.
The New Yorker. "Galleries--Uptown." November 4, 1996, p. 24, mentioned in text, not illus.
Picasso, Guston, Miro, de Kooning: In vollkommener Freiheit. Exh. cat. Bremen: Neues Museum Weserberg Bremen, 1996, illus. in b&w p. 79
Corbett, William. "Philip Guston in Retrospect." Brooklyn Rail, November 2003, p. 15, mentioned in text, not illus.
USA Today (West Babylon, NY). "Philip Guston: Abstract Expressionism's Provocative Pioneer and Ultimate Critic." November 1, 2003, mentioned in text
Benfey, Christopher. "Philip Guston Retrospective." The New York Times Book Review, December 7, 2003. Print, illus. in color
Auping, Michael. Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Philip Guston Retrospective. Exh. cat. London: Thames & Hudson, 2003, illus. in color, Plate 79, unpaginated
Reiner, Lucas. "Fear and Trembling of the Image." Beyond Baroque, 2004, pp. 6-11, mentioned in text p. 9, not illus.
Posnock, Ross. Philip Roth's Rude Truth: The Art of Immaturity. Princeton: Princeton University, 2006, mentioned in text p. 243, not illus.
Antiques and The Arts Weekly. "Philip Guston Focus Show Kicks Off Series, 'In The Tower,' At National Gallery of Art. July 25, 2009, p. 20, mentioned in text, not illus.
The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection: Selected Works. Washington DC: National Gallery of Art, 2009, illus. in color no. 63 p. 79
Cooper, Harry. "Like Clockwork." Artforum, October 2010, illus. in color p. 58 and mentioned in text p. 57
Coolidge, Clark, ed. Philip Guston: Collected Writings, Lectures, and Conversations. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011, mentioned in text p. 224, not illus.
Slifkin, Robert. Out of Time: Philip Guston and the Refiguration of Postwar American Art. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013, illus. in color plate 5
Pfeiffer, Ingrid, and Max Hollein, eds. Philip Guston Das Grosse Spatwerk/Late Works. Exh. cat. Cologne: Strzeleckibooks, 2013, illus. in color fig. 4 p. 77 (Harold Falckenberg essay) and mentioned in text p. 76 (English)/79 (German)
Winn, Steven. "S. F. Gives National Gallery Art a Home during Remodeling." San Francisco Chronicle, May 29, 2014. Online, illus. in color
Burnett, Craig. Philip Guston: The Studio. London: Afterall Books, 2014, illus. in color plate 9 (unpaginated) and mentioned in text p. 29
Modernism from the National Gallery of Art: The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection. Exh. cat. San Francisco: de Young Museum, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 2014, cat. no. 25, illus. in color p. 75
Gieskes, Mette. "I is an Other: Philip Guston's Imagined Incarnations of God and Klansmen." In Example or Alter Ego? Aspects of the Portrait Historie in Western Art from Antiquity to the Present. Edited by Volker Manuth, Rudie van Leeuwen, and Jos Koldeweij. Turnhout: Brepols, 2016, mentioned in text p. 286, not illus.
Anoè, Gianluca. "Tutte le mostre da non perdere a maggio 2017 nei musei di Venezia e provincia." Venezia Today, May 2, 2017, illus. in color
Rai Arte (Rome). "L'arte enigmatica di Gustom a Venezia." July 9, 2017, illus. in color in conjunction with a video attached to the article
Philip Guston: Nixon Drawings 1971 & 1975. Exh. cat. Essays by Musa Mayer and Debra Bricker-Balken. Zurich: Hauser & Wirth, 2017, illus. in color Fig. 1 p. 205
Philip Guston & The Poets. Exh. cat. Essay by Kosme de Barañano. Hauser & Wirth, 2017, illus. in color p. 64
Artforum. "Hundreds in Art World Sign Letter Urging Restoration of Postponed Philip Guston Exhibition." September 30, 2020. Online, detail illus. in color
Harris, Gareth. "'They fear controversy': open letter condemning museums for delaying Guston show signed by 100 artists and intellectuals." Art Newspaper, October 1, 2020. Online, detail illus. in color
Sforzini, Valeria. "L'appello di due pittori americani per salvare la mostra di Guston." Il Foglio, October 18, 2020. Online, illus. in color
Elliott, David. "The Unstoppable Paintings of Philip Guston." Border Crossings, November 2020, pp. 48-55, mentioned in text p. 49, not illus.
Luke, Ben. "Philip Guston show: 2022 opening is welcome news by confusion still remains." Art Newspaper, November 6, 2020. Online, detail illus. in color
Storr, Robert. Philip Guston: A Life Spent Painting. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2020, No. 118 illus. in color p. 121, detail illus. in color pp. 2-3, illus. in b&w p. 319 as part of an installation photo and mentioned in text pp. 126 and 131
Cooper, Harry, Mark Godfrey, Alison de Lima Greene, and Kate Nesin. Philip Guston Now. Exh. cat. Washington D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 2020, illus. in color Plate 129 p. 121 and mentioned in text pp. 84-87
Slifkin, Robert. "Ugly Feelings: Robert Slifkin on Philip Guston and white privilege." Artforum, January/February 2021, pp. 112-117, illus. in color p. 114 and mentioned in text p. 113
Krečič, Jean. "Cancelling Art: From Populists to Progressives." e-flux journal 119, June 2021. Online, illus. in color
Burnett, Craig. "Mixed emotions - the uneasy art of Philip Guston." Apollo (London), April 28, 2022. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Burnett, Craig. "Mixed Emotions." Apollo (London), May 2022, pp. 78-84, mentioned in text pp. 80 and 83, not illus.
Aboulhosn, Angelica. "Philip Guston Now: Better To See Reality, However Harrowing, Than Conceal It." Washington City Paper, March 21, 2023. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Bui, Phong. "Philip Guston Now—A Personal Meditation." Brooklyn Rail, May 2023. Online, illus. in color as part of an installation photo and mentioned in text
Bui, Phong. "Philip Guston Now—A Personal Meditation." Brooklyn Rail, July/August 2023, pp. 48-49, mentioned in text p. 49, not illus.
Coolidge, Clark, ed. Philip Guston: Que peindre sinon l'énigme. Translated by Éric Suchère. Strasbourg: L'Atelier Contemporain, 2023, mentioned in text p. 469, not illus.