Catalogue Raisonné


Monument, 1976
Oil on canvas
80 x 110 in.
203.2 x 279.4 cm
Signed front lower right: Philip Guston
Tate, London, Purchased with assistance from the American Fund for the Tate Gallery 1991
David McKee Gallery, New York, NY, "Philip Guston: Paintings 1976", Part I: March 18-April 8, 1977, Part II; April 9 - April 30, 1977 
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, "1979 Biennial Exhibition", February 06, 1979 - April 01, 1979
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA, "Philip Guston, Retrospective 1930 - 1979", May 15, 1980 - June 29, 1980  Travelled to:
Whitechapel Gallery, London, England, "Philip Guston: Paintings 1969 - 1980", October 13, 1982 - December 12, 1982  Travelled to:
Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, MO, "Currents", April 1985
Tate Liverpool, Liverpool , England, "Philip Guston: Paintings and Prints from the Tate Collection", March 09, 2002 - August 18, 2002 
Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien - MUMOK, Vienna, Austria, "Bad Painting - good art", June 06, 2008 - October 12, 2008
Tate Modern, London, England, "Philip Guston", October 05, 2023 - February 25, 2024 
Conrad III, Barnaby. "Philip Guston at McKee." Art/World, April 1977, pp. 1, 11, illus. in b&w p. 1
Philip Guston: Paintings 1976. Exh. cat. New York: David McKee Gallery, 1977, illus. in color on cover, not numbered in list
Smith, Roberta. "The New Gustons." Art in America, January–February 1978, pp. 100–5, mentioned in text p. 104, not illus.
1979 Biennial Exhibition. Exh. cat. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1979, unnumbered catalog, not illus.
Shere, Charles. "Looking beyond Guston's Paintings." Oakland Tribune, May 18, 1980, section Art, pp. 12–13, mentioned in text p. 12, not illus.
Morch, Al. "Impressive Guston Gamut." San Francisco Examiner, May 19, 1980, section The Arts, p. 30, illus. in b&w
Artweek. [Article title unknown]. May 24, 1980, p. 16, p. 16, illus. in b&w
Baker, Kenneth. "Breaking the Silence: The Spectator as Speaker." Artforum, September 1980, illus. in b&w and mentioned in text p. 51
Toucatt, Ralph. "Metamorphosis: The Art of Philip Guston." The Threepenny Review, Fall 1980, p. 24, mentioned in text, not illus.
Philip Guston. Exh. cat. New York: George Braziller, 1980, cat. no. 73, illus. in color plate 61 p. 104
Larson, Kay. "Painting From Ground Zero." New York, July 20, 1981, pp. 58–59, mentioned in text p. 58, not illus.
Portfolio. "Philip Guston's Art World About-Face." March/April 1982, pp. 54–56, illus. in b&w p. 56
Roberts, John. "Philip Guston: The Last Years." Art Monthly, November 1982, illus.
Artsline. "Philip Guston: Stumblebum." November 1982, illus. in b&w p. 3
Nicholas Serota, ed. Philip Guston: Paintings 1969–1980. Exh. cat. London: Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1982, cat. no. 18, illus. in color p. 29 (unpaginated)
Sweet, David. "Philip Guston and Beyond." Artscribe, December 1982, illus. in b&w p. 26
Storr, Robert. Philip Guston. New York: Abbeville Modern Masters, 1986, illus. in b&w no. 82 p. 82
Zaller, Robert. "Philip Guston and the Crisis of the Image." Critical Inquiry 14, no. 1 (1987): pp. 69–94, mentioned p. 93 in footnote 17, not illus.
Tate Report: Tate Gallery Biennial Report 1990–92. London: Tate Gallery, 1992, illus. in color and mentioned in text p. 36
Corbett, William. Philip Guston's Late Work: A Memoir. Boston: Zoland Books, 1994, illus. in b&w (unpaginated) and mentioned in text pp. 57 and 58
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, [1994?] ed.
Picasso, Guston, Miro, de Kooning: In vollkommener Freiheit. Exh. cat. Bremen: Neues Museum Weserberg Bremen, 1996, illus. in b&w p. 83
Feld, Ross. Erinnerungen an Philip Guston Mit dem Briefwechsel zwischen Feld und Guston. Kippenheim-Schmieheim: Verlag Kurt Liebig, 2003, illus. in color p. 63
Feld, Ross. Guston in Time: Remembering Philip Guston. New York: Counterpoint, 2003, illus. in b&w (no page #) and mentioned in text pp. 59 and 102
Auping, Michael. Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Philip Guston Retrospective. Exh. cat. London: Thames & Hudson, 2003, brief mention in text p. 58 (Andrew Graham-Dixon essay), not illus., brief mention in text p. 80 (Joseph Rishel essay)
O'Hagan, Sean. "An Everyday Genius. Philip Roth's Friend, the Artist Philip Guston, Was a Star of the Sixties Who Risked His Reputation to Pursue a New Creative Vision. Now, 30 Years On, He Is Back in Vogue with a Retrospective at the RA." Observer Review (London), January 11, 2004, mentioned in text, not illus.
Hornung, David. Colour: A Workshop for Artists and Designers. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2004, illus. in color fig. 7.36 p. 107
Bucklow, Christopher. What Is in the Dwat: The Universe of Guston's Final Decade. Grasmere, England: Wordsworth Trust, 2007, illus. in color pp. 14-15 and mentioned in text pp. 2, 3, 44, 92-93, 102, 108, and 129
Kaufmann, David. Telling Stories: Philip Guston's Later Works. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010, mentioned in text p. 50, not illus.
Hornung, David. Color: A Workshop for Artists and Designers. 2nd ed. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2012, illus. in color fig. 7.36 p. 107
Pfeiffer, Ingrid, and Max Hollein, eds. Philip Guston Das Grosse Spatwerk/Late Works. Exh. cat. Cologne: Strzeleckibooks, 2013, mentioned in text p. 24 (English)/25 (German), not illus.
Hauser & Wirth 7. "Philip Guston: The Hands of Clocks." Winter 2015, pp. 24-35, illus. in color p. 30 as part of an installation photo
Scmidt, Jana V. "Philip Guston's Piles," In Traversals of Affect: On Jean-François Lyotard. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016., mentioned in text p. 147, not illus.
Walker, Deborah. "Enigmas in Philip Guston's de Chirico City." Double Dialogues (Canterbury, Australia), Spring 2018. Online, illus. in color
The Jeremy Lancaster Collection. London: Christie's. Auction cat. October 1, 2019, illus. in color p. 88
Thomas, Elly. Play and the Artist's Creative Process. New York: Routledge, 2019, mentioned in text pp. 53, 147 and 157, not illus.
Chaliakopoulos, Antonis. "Controversial Philip Guston Exhibition Due to Open In 2022." The, November 6, 2020. Online, illus. in color
Cooper, Harry, Mark Godfrey, Alison de Lima Greene, and Kate Nesin. Philip Guston Now. Exh. cat. Washington D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 2020, illus. in color Plate 155 p. 151 and mentioned in text pp. 4, 141, 201 and 203
Mayer, Musa. Philip Guston. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2020, illus. in color p. 89 and mentioned in text p. 93
Storr, Robert. Philip Guston: A Life Spent Painting. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2020, No. 203 illus. in color p. 191, illus. in color p. 329 as part of an installation photo and mentioned in text p. 190
Tallman, Susan. "Philip Guston's Discomfort Zone: How is it that the artist, dead these forty years, is still pushing our buttons?" New York Review of Books, January 14, 2021, illus. in color p. 14
Smee, Sebastian. "Philip Guston's art speaks to our present moment. We shouldn't have to wait to see it." Washington Post, January 14, 2021. Online, illus. in color
Seymour, Harry. "Growing up with Philip Guston -- my father." Christie's, February 5, 2021. Online, illus. in color
Eyre, Hermione. "The truth about my father, Philip Guston." Spectator Australia, March 13, 2021. Online, illus. in color
Lethem, Richard Brown. "Guston and de Chirico: Fragments from a Personal Journal." Maine Arts Journal, Spring 2022. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Hoffman, A.R. "Guston: A Genius Beyond Controversy." New York Sun, May 7, 2022. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Feld, Ross. Guston In Time: Remembering Philip Guston. New York: Counterpoint, 2003. Reprint, New York: New York Review of Books, 2022, illus. in color (no page #) and mentioned in text pp. 55 and 98
McDonald, John. "Why Philip Guston's work is still causing headaches for galleries." Sydney Morning Herald, May 26, 2023. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Tate Etc. "Transformations on a Canvas." Issue 59, Autumn 2023, pp. 72-83, mentioned in text p. 76, not illus.
art "Unmissable London art exhibitions: January and February 2024." October 2, 2023. Online, illus. in color
Whalley, Zita. "October 2023: Best events and things to do in London." The Resident (London), October 2, 2023. Online, illus. in color
Luke, Ben. "Philip Guston at Tate Modern review: riven with anger, engorged with love, haunted by suffering." Evening Standard (London), October 3, 2023. Online, illus. in color
Wullschläger, Jackie. "Philip Guston, Tate Modern review — violent, unsettling and thrilling from start to finish." Financial Times, October 5, 2023. Online.
, illus. in color and mentioned in text
Luzi, Irene. "Philip Guston alla Tate Modern, con più di 100 opere. Le immagini della mostra." ArtsLife (Milan), October 5, 2023. Online, illus. in color as part of an installation photo
Hubbard, Sue. "Philip Guston Tate Modern Worth The Wait." Artlyst, October 6, 2023. Online, illus. in color as part of an installation photo
Wullschläger, Jackie. "Violent and unsettling." FT Weekend (London), October 7-8, 2023, section Arts, pp. 14-15., mentioned in text p. 14, not illus.
Lloyd, Joe. "Philip Guston: This straight-laced, work-focused retrospective affirms Philip Guston's place as one of the 20th century's finest painters." Studio International, October 19, 2023. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Goldberg, Itzhak. "Philip Guston réhabilité." Le Journal des Arts (Paris), October 24, 2023. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Lavrador, Judicaël. "L'art taillé dans le vif de Philip Guston." Beaux Arts Magazine, December 2023, pp. 66-73, mentioned in text p. 72, not illus.
Depth of Field: The Alan & Dorothy Press Collection. New York: Christie's. Auction cat. 2023, mentioned in text p. 44, not illus.
Lawson-Tancred, Jo, "A Long-Delayed Retrospective of Philip Guston's Acerbic Paintings Finally Opens in London." artnet News, January 3, 2024. Online.
, illus. in color as part of an installation photo
Keegan, Paul. "I smell mink coats." London Review of Books, January 25, 2024. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.