Catalogue Raisonné


Talking, 1979
Oil on canvas
68½ x 78 in.
174.0 x 198.1 cm
Unsigned, undated
The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Gift of Edward R. Broida
Edward R. Broida
Royal Academy of Arts, London, England, "A New Spirit in Painting", January 15, 1981 - March 18, 1981
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, "Philip Guston, Retrospective 1930 - 1979", June 24, 1981 - September 13, 1981 
Whitechapel Gallery, London, England, "Philip Guston: Paintings 1969 - 1980", October 13, 1982 - December 12, 1982  Travelled to:
Hayden Gallery, Cambridge, MA, "Philip Guston: The Last Works Paintings and Drawings 1979 - 1980", October 13, 1984 - November 25, 1984 
Musee National d'Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, "L'Epoque, La Mode, La Morale, La Passion", May 21, 1987 - August 17, 1987
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain, "Philip Guston: Retrospectiva de Pintura", March 01, 1989 - May 08, 1989  Travelled to:
Orlando Museum of Art, Orlando, FL, "The Edward R. Broida Collection: A Selection of Works", March 12, 1998 - June 21, 1998
Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn, Germany, "Philip Guston: Gemälde 1947 - 1979", September 02, 1999 - November 01, 1999  Travelled to:
Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX, "Philip Guston Retrospective", March 30, 2003 - June 08, 2003  Travelled to:
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, "Against the Grain: Contemporary Art from the Edward R. Broida Collection", May 03, 2006 - July 10, 2006
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, "[Unknown Title]", Summer 2008
Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany, "Philip Guston - das große Spätwerk", November 06, 2013 - February 02, 2014  Travelled to:
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, "The Long Run", November 11, 2017 - November 04, 2018
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Boston, MA, "Philip Guston Now", May 01, 2022 - September 11, 2022  Travelled to:
Walker, James Faure. "Awkward Moments." Artscribe, February 1981, illus. in b&w p. 12
A New Spirit in Painting. Exh. cat. London: Royal Academy of Arts, 1981, cat. no. 44, illus. in color (no page #)
Shepherd, Michael. "Getting it Together." What's On IN LONDON, October 22, 1982, illus. pg 42
Nicholas Serota, ed. Philip Guston: Paintings 1969–1980. Exh. cat. London: Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1982, cat. no. 37, illus. in color p. 46 (unpaginated)
Taylor, Robert. "Guston's last works powerful, disturbing." Boston Globe, October 21, 1984, pp. B9-B10, mentioned in text p. B10, not illus.
Baker, Kenneth. "Figuratively Speaking: Philip Guston and the Shock of the Real." Boston Phoenix, November 13, 1984, section Three, Boston After Dark Arts & Entertainment, pp. 1, 9, illus. in b&w on cover
Storr, Robert. Philip Guston. New York: Abbeville Modern Masters, 1986, illus. in color no. 102 p. 100
L'epoque la mode la morale la passion. Exh. cat. Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 1987, illus. in color p. 181
Fernandez, Horacio. "El Último Perplejo." El Europeo, March 1989, pp. 66-74, illus. in color p. 72
Serraller, F. Calvo. "Abierta en Madrid una retrospectiva de Guston: En Centro Reina Sofia expone 70 obras del artista que paso del expresionismo abstracto a la figuracion." El País (Madrid), March 2, 1989, mentioned in text, not illus.
"Philip Guston: UN PINTOR SENTIMENTAL." Epoca (Madrid), March 27, 1989, section Arte, illus.
Uberquoi, Marie-Claire. "La carrera singular d'un pintor inquiet." Diari de Barcelona, May 27, 1989, mentioned in text, not illus.
Peele, Stanton. "Ain't Misbehaving: Addition Has Become an All-Purpose Excuse." Sciences, July/August 1989, pp. 14–21, illus. pp. 14-15
Philip Guston: Retrospectiva de Pintura. Exh. cat. Essays by Mark Rosenthal, Robert Storr, Carrie Rickey, Francisco Calvo Serraller, and Dore Ashton. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, Dirección General de Bellas Artes y Archivos, Centro Nacional de Exposiciones, 1989, cat. no. 70, illus. in color p. 146
Philip Guston: 50 Years of Painting. Pamphlet. St. Louis: Saint Louis Art Museum, 1989, mentioned in text, not illus. (unpaginated)
American Art in the 20th Century: Painting and Sculpture 1913–1993. Exh. cat. London: Royal Academy of Arts, 1993, illus. in b&w Fig. 1 p. 139 (Wolfgang Max Faust essay)
The Edward R. Broida Collection: A Selection of Works. Exh. cat. Orlando: Orlando Museum of Art, 1998, illus. in color p. 78-A
Schreier, Christoph, Michael Auping, and Martin Hentschel. Philip Guston: Gemalde 1947–1979. Exh. cat. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 1999, unnumbered catalog, illus. in color p. 122
Robertson, Jean, and Craig McDaniel. Painting as a Language: Material, Technique, Form and Content. New York: Harcourt College Publishers, 2000, illus. in color, plate 10. Discussed p. 68
Philip Guston Tableaux / Paintings 1947 - 1979. Exh. cat. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Publishers, 2000, illus. in color p. 122
Ottinger, Didier, and Philip Roth. Philip Guston: Peintures 1947–1979. Exh. cat. Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 2000, illus. in color p. 76
Kimmelman, Michael. "Anxious Liberator of an Era's Demons." The New York Times, October 31, 2003, section Weekend, pp. E37, E39, mentioned in text p. E39, not illus.
USA Today (West Babylon, NY). "Philip Guston: Abstract Expressionism's Provocative Pioneer and Ultimate Critic." November 1, 2003, mentioned in text
Feld, Ross. Guston in Time: Remembering Philip Guston. New York: Counterpoint, 2003, illus. in color on front cover and in b&w (no page #). Also mentioned in text p. 58
Krauss, Nicole. "The First Painter after the Last." Modern Painters, Winter 2003, illus. in color pp. 86-87 and mentioned in text p. 88
Auping, Michael. Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Philip Guston Retrospective. Exh. cat. London: Thames & Hudson, 2003, illus. in color Plate 127, unpaginated and illus. in color, Figure 21, p. 82, mentioned in text p. 84 (Dore Ashton essay)
Feld, Ross. Erinnerungen an Philip Guston Mit dem Briefwechsel zwischen Feld und Guston. Kippenheim-Schmieheim: Verlag Kurt Liebig, 2003, illus. in color p. 62
Philip Guston: Odd Man Out. BBC Four, January 28, 2004. Television, illus. in color
Furness, Rosalind. "London: Royal Academy, Timothy Taylor Gallery, Philip Guston." Contemporary, March 2004, illus. in color p. 67
Rubinstein, Raphael. "Philip Guston: Some Thoughts." Art in America, March 2004, illus. in color on cover and table of contents. Also mentioned in text p. 90
Smith, Roberta. "One Collection, Many Stories from the Land of Mavericks." The New York Times, May 12, 2006, mentioned in text, not illus.
Elderfield, John, and Ann Temkin. Against the Grain: Contemporary Art from the Edward R. Broida Collection. Exh. cat. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2006, illus. in color on cover and p. 71
Centre Pompidou: Trente ans d'histoire. Paris: Editions de Centre Pompidou, 2007, illus. in color p. 236 (installation view)
Bucklow, Christopher. What Is in the Dwat: The Universe of Guston's Final Decade. Grasmere, England: Wordsworth Trust, 2007, Plate 48, illus. in color p. 192 and mentioned in text p. 147
Fujimori, Manami. "Philip Guston." Bijutsu Notebook 63, no. 951 (2011): pp. 200–03, illus. in color p. 203
ArtMag by Deutsche Bank. "Let's Talk: Ingrid Pfeiffer & Bernhard Martin on Philip Guston." November 28, 2013–February 25, 2014. Online, illus. in color
(n d ks). "Philip Guston Late Works at Schirn Kunsthalle." November 2013. Online, illus. in color as part of installation photo
Pfeiffer, Ingrid, and Max Hollein, eds. Philip Guston Das Grosse Spatwerk/Late Works. Exh. cat. Cologne: Strzeleckibooks, 2013, illus. in color p. 69 and in color on front cover
Fujimori, Manami. "The Pioneers & Revolutionaries For Art Now." In The Contemporary Art Masters. Japan: Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha, 2013, illus. in color p. 193
Philip Guston. Das Grosse Spätwerk/ Late Works. Frankfurt: Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, November 5, 2013. Video, illus. in color in detail
Mousse. "Philip Guston 'Late Works' at Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt." January 16, 2014. Online, illus. in color
Baker, E. "Frankfurt—Philip Guston: 'Late Works' at Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt through February 2nd 2014." AO Art Observed, January 18, 2014. Online, illus. in color as part of an installation photo
Inferno. "Philip Guston A La Schirn Kunsthalle de Francfort." January 23, 2014. Online, illus. in color
Burnett, Craig. Philip Guston: The Studio. London: Afterall Books, 2014, illus. in color plate 16 (unpaginated) and mentioned in text pp. 68 and 90
Miller, Peter Benson, ed. Go Figure! New Perspectives on Guston. New York: American Academy in Rome; New York Review of Books, 2014, mentioned in text pp. 89 and 127, not illus.
Baker, Simon. George Condo: Painting Reconfigured. London: Thames & Hudson, 2015, illus. in color p. 12, no. 5
Gieskes, Mette. "I is an Other: Philip Guston's Imagined Incarnations of God and Klansmen." In Example or Alter Ego? Aspects of the Portrait Historie in Western Art from Antiquity to the Present. Edited by Volker Manuth, Rudie van Leeuwen, and Jos Koldeweij. Turnhout: Brepols, 2016, mentioned in footnote 3 p. 285, not illus.
Bégout, Bruce. On ne dormira jamais. Paris: Editions Allia, 2017, illus. in color on front cover and on inside back jacket flap
Micchelli, Thomas. "Philip Guston's Echoes." Hyperallergic, April 28, 2018. Online, illus. in color and mentioned in text
Morris, Desmond. Postures: Body Language in Art. London: Thames & Hudson, 2019, illus. in color p. 165
Wolf, Bryan J. "Between the Lines: Philip Guston, the Holocaust, and 'Bad Painting.'" American Art, Spring 2020, pp. 50-85, fig. 21 illus. in color p. 80 and mentioned in text pp. 80-81
Mayer, Musa. Philip Guston. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2020, illus. in color p. 106 and mentioned in text p. 104
Cooper, Harry, Mark Godfrey, Alison de Lima Greene, and Kate Nesin. Philip Guston Now. Exh. cat. Washington D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 2020, illus. in color Plate 170 p. 167 and mentioned in text p. 127
Storr, Robert. Philip Guston: A Life Spent Painting. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2020, No. 234 illus. in color p. 217 and mentioned in text p. 180
Bettridge, Thom. "Undercover Brother: The Uncompromising Art of Devin Troy Strother." Highsnobiety, January 17, 2022. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Art Daily. "Philip Guston Now, first retrospective in nearly 20 years, opens at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston." October 24, 2022. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Houston Chronicle. "MFAH opens new exhibition looking at KKK's murderous deeds, Philip Guston's first Houston show." October 25, 2022. Online, illus. in color and mentioned in text
Dansby, Andrew. "Conflict and conscience: MFAH's 'Philip Guston Now' is the late artist's first-ever show in Houston." Houston Chronicle, November 6, 2022, pp. G1, G7, illus. in color and mentioned in text p. G1
González, Rosa Boshier. "Philip Guston Now." Brooklyn Rail, December 2022-January 2023. Online, illus. in color and mentioned in text
González, Rosa Boshier. "Philip Guston." Brooklyn Rail, December/January 2022/23, pp. 57-58, mentioned in text p. 58, not illus.
Feld, Ross. Guston In Time: Remembering Philip Guston. New York: Counterpoint, 2003. Reprint, New York: New York Review of Books, 2022, illus. in color (no page #) and mentioned in text p. 54
Schwabsky, Barry. "Philip Guston Now." Brooklyn Rail, July/August 2023. Online, illus. in color as part of an installation photo
Tate Etc. "Transformations on a Canvas." Issue 59, Autumn 2023, pp. 72-83, illus. in color and mentioned in text p. 80
Cumming, Laura. "Philip Guston; Sarah Lucas: Happy Gas review – tragi-comic cartoonery." Guardian, October 8, 2023. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Coolidge, Clark, ed. Philip Guston: Que peindre sinon l'énigme. Translated by Éric Suchère. Strasbourg: L'Atelier Contemporain, 2023, illus. in color no. 136 (unpaginated)
Keegan, Paul. "I smell mink coats." London Review of Books, January 25, 2024. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.